Friday, February 9, 2007

“I am accused of tending to the past” by Lucille Clifton

S-Is god
O-Everyday life
A-To all the people
P-To reflect the history makes itself


This relates to today’s life because there are people that want to go back to the past and fix what they had done wrong. Sometimes these kinds of people tend to blame it on god as if he had created history. Since history happens everyday people tend to say that god made it like this when they do not know that history is created by itself; therefore people are learning more everyday and making history to create itself. Also people end up resigning because they cannot anything about changing history.

“I am accused of not passing the ball”

I am accused of not giving a pass
As if I can’t shake them,
As if I can’t drag them with my own skills. I did not.
The pass was waiting for me
When I came,
Waiting in the eighteen foot,
I was about to shoot
The referee
Called it
Off sides.
This is a lame now,
My team was losing everyday,
Remembering faces, names and dates.
It was team work I will try to
Communicate, trust me, I will.

1 comment:

Noel said...

Just thought i should comment on my homie's page. I also did the same poem as the one you did. Since we had both talked about this poem together we had similar understandings. i like your poem, and how you connected to something you love....seeing me play soccer....nah im just playing, but yeah you brought your own uniqueness to the poem. Awesome way.