Friday, February 16, 2007

“Since Feelings is first” by e.e. Cummings

S-A man in love with a woman
O-During spring
A-People in love
P-To get the woman’s love
-Not resigning

This relates to today’s life because during springs, this seems to represent when the people is young. When the people are young they seem to be getting in love; therefore happening for many generations. Many generations because life keeps on going and is never short.

Since Solving is first

Since solving is first
Who pays no attention
To Math problems
Will never get it;

Only if you are a fool
Will get nowhere to solve it

My brain approves,
And shows that I’m better in Math
Than lit
You I swear by all my grades.
But don’t worry
The best gesture of my brain can see better than
My eyes which say

I and math are for each other: then
Laughing, doing my Math homework
In life sometimes can be hard

And when I do it sometimes I use parenthesis

“It is at moments after I have dreamed” by e.e. Cummings

S-A dreamer of love
O-Dreaming at moments
A-To people that like somebody and the only thing they do is dream because is impossible to get to the person that they love.
P-To dream with the person that you feel is your heart.

The author was effective in conveying his message in this poem because he is comparing the women with nature; therefore showing that she is beautiful. He dreams of being with this women but it is impossible to get to her. The only way that he can get next to her is by dreaming. He rhymes every other line for example a-b-a-b, this kind of rhyme helps the poem to flow and to have a rhythm. This poem is a sonnet because it has ten syllables and is also written in iambic pentameter. This leads to the way Shakespeare writes sonnets because this poem is similar to sonnet #18 by Shakespeare. On this sonnet Shakespeare compares woman’s beauty with nature by saying that the woman’s beauty is more beautiful than nature. During the summer the sun is too hot making people to not feel comfortable; therefore the woman’s beauty is better than the summer because it can make anybody feel comfortable with her beauty. As long as men lives and this kind of beauty exist there is going to be eternal love.

Friday, February 9, 2007

“I am accused of tending to the past” by Lucille Clifton

S-Is god
O-Everyday life
A-To all the people
P-To reflect the history makes itself


This relates to today’s life because there are people that want to go back to the past and fix what they had done wrong. Sometimes these kinds of people tend to blame it on god as if he had created history. Since history happens everyday people tend to say that god made it like this when they do not know that history is created by itself; therefore people are learning more everyday and making history to create itself. Also people end up resigning because they cannot anything about changing history.

“I am accused of not passing the ball”

I am accused of not giving a pass
As if I can’t shake them,
As if I can’t drag them with my own skills. I did not.
The pass was waiting for me
When I came,
Waiting in the eighteen foot,
I was about to shoot
The referee
Called it
Off sides.
This is a lame now,
My team was losing everyday,
Remembering faces, names and dates.
It was team work I will try to
Communicate, trust me, I will.

“My People Are the Color of the Earth” by Alma Luz Villanueva

S- A niece
O- At the aunt’s house
A- To different families
P- To give an understand about the way different families behave
S- Not leaving without a full stomach
- Happy
- Caring

Villanueva is effective in conveying her message in this poem even though she does not use rhyme, but she uses prose to give the perfect tone. The tone of this poem shows happiness and caring because the aunt does not want to let go of her niece or any member of the family without eating. Also when they are eating the grapes they seem to be having a good time because as soon as they see the grape’s skeleton they start laughing; therefore showing happiness. The aunt feels surprise when she sees light skin people because she had only seen people with the color of the earth. This poem ends almost like the same as the beginning; therefore showing the subject of no one in the family cannot leave with their full stomach. This poem relates to today’s life because in the Mexican culture the aunts, moms, and grandmas they offer everyone to eat and not eating when they offered people to eat they would get offended. Sometimes they start making fun of people that do not eat by saying things such as I am not in your level therefore you do not want to eat. Also aunts, moms, and grandmas think that people thinks that they do not know how to cook and this is another way they would feel offended. At the end as the people feels too much pressure they end up eating. This happens in almost every Mexican family with aunts, moms, and grandmas getting offended when someone they invite does not eat.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle

AP Lit
Benito V.

Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle, by John G. Neihardt

S- Philosopher
O-The power that everyday life has
A-For people that tend to wonder about the powers of the world
P-To show how powerful the world is
S-To appreciate and to fear the powers of the world

The way that the author becomes effective in conveying his massage in this poem is by portraying strong places and objects that nature has to prove his point. He uses blank rhyme in which it does not rhyme but it has some kind of form of iambic pentameter. He also uses metaphors to show how the power of the world is done in a circle. This poem relates to the everyday life because these are things happening in our planet. Also is relates to the life today because mankind now a days tend to show that the powers of the world are not strong because they are building technology that is making mankind to show that the powers of the world are not that strong, and taking some of the nature away by cutting trees, building more cities.

Refugee Blues

AP Lit
Benito V.

Refugee Blues, by W. H. Auden

S- A refugee from the Holocaust
O- During the Holocaust
A- To all the Jews
P- Protesting how they were treated during the holocaust
S-Learning about history

In Refugee Blues, by W. H. Auden, was effective on conveying his message because he is telling about how the Jews were treated during the holocaust. To convey his message Auden uses perfect rhyme at the end of every two sentences. By going back to history he wants to show that how all the Jews were horrible treated. The Refugee Blues relates to the situation in Iraq on how Saddam Husseim used to kill his own people. Anybody that would betrayed him he would killed not only the person that had betrayed but also his whole family. Hitler used to do the same thing, but Jews. This poem relates to a poem called Tattoo, and it was about a Jew that wrote a poem about his dad because his dad numbers tattooed in his arm which represents the memories that he had during the holocaust. He talks about that his dad had a lot of horrible experiences during this time. The author also mentions that he would wish to have felt the pain that his dad felt during this time of the holocaust. Basically the author says that his dad did not enjoy his life because of the horrible killings that he saw.