Friday, February 16, 2007

“Since Feelings is first” by e.e. Cummings

S-A man in love with a woman
O-During spring
A-People in love
P-To get the woman’s love
-Not resigning

This relates to today’s life because during springs, this seems to represent when the people is young. When the people are young they seem to be getting in love; therefore happening for many generations. Many generations because life keeps on going and is never short.

Since Solving is first

Since solving is first
Who pays no attention
To Math problems
Will never get it;

Only if you are a fool
Will get nowhere to solve it

My brain approves,
And shows that I’m better in Math
Than lit
You I swear by all my grades.
But don’t worry
The best gesture of my brain can see better than
My eyes which say

I and math are for each other: then
Laughing, doing my Math homework
In life sometimes can be hard

And when I do it sometimes I use parenthesis

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