Friday, February 16, 2007

“It is at moments after I have dreamed” by e.e. Cummings

S-A dreamer of love
O-Dreaming at moments
A-To people that like somebody and the only thing they do is dream because is impossible to get to the person that they love.
P-To dream with the person that you feel is your heart.

The author was effective in conveying his message in this poem because he is comparing the women with nature; therefore showing that she is beautiful. He dreams of being with this women but it is impossible to get to her. The only way that he can get next to her is by dreaming. He rhymes every other line for example a-b-a-b, this kind of rhyme helps the poem to flow and to have a rhythm. This poem is a sonnet because it has ten syllables and is also written in iambic pentameter. This leads to the way Shakespeare writes sonnets because this poem is similar to sonnet #18 by Shakespeare. On this sonnet Shakespeare compares woman’s beauty with nature by saying that the woman’s beauty is more beautiful than nature. During the summer the sun is too hot making people to not feel comfortable; therefore the woman’s beauty is better than the summer because it can make anybody feel comfortable with her beauty. As long as men lives and this kind of beauty exist there is going to be eternal love.

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